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OV Multi-pitch course evening 1

From 22 Feb 19:30 to 22 Feb 22:30

General information

Do you already have experience with outdoor lead climbing single-pitch, and do you want to start multi pitching? Then this course is what you are looking for. Moreover, in this course you are trained to be an independent climber with a lot of insight. As an association, we are dependent on climbers who can and are willing to share their knowledge, which is to a more or lesser extent also expected of you. The Multipitch course is also a good step-up to becoming kader. More about all the courses in ESAC can be found here.

Multi pitching differs from single pitching not only because you climb several rope lengths, but also that you are on the route for much longer, and that you are further from others or the ground. You have to take care of yourself a lot more and you cannot exit the route from one moment to the next. You have to be much more self-reliant and plan better. Important to note is that it is still sport climbing and not alpine multi pitching. If you want to gain experience in this, you can follow alpine courses from the NSAC.

Content course
In four evenings (These will be in the agenda and are mentioned below) you will learn all techniques you need to multi pitch independently outside. These techniques form the basis for climbing, but are not the only thing you need to be able to multi pitch in a safe way.

Next, you will get a technique card, which contains all techniques you need to master. After this you need to go on climbing weekends and gain experience, and when you think you are ready: get your techniques approved on the card. When you and an instructor think that you have enough experience and you master all techniques, you can go for your exam next weekend.

In total, three MP weekends will be organised. Expected is that you need at least two or three weekends to gain experience and perfect your techniques outside. After the exam you will receive your climbing proficiency certificate outdoor lead climbing multi pitch and you can go multi pitching independently.

Important: This course requires a lot of effort, motivation and perseverance. In the course days and weekends that are offered, in principle it is not possible to get your MP. You will have to show initiative next to these, address instructors and make sure yourself that you can practice all techniques in a safe environment with an experienced person.

There are 12 spots for this course. The subscriptions close the 21st of january. If there are more valid registrations, there will be a selection by activity within the ESAC, motivation, climbing experience and how many weekends you are able to join. There is no selection evening.

Entry requirements and expectations

  • Outdoor lead climbing SP licence in your possession.

  • Willing to take initiative to work on your experience outside the course evenings and weekends.

  • Being able to climb 5+ (french grade) lead outdoors without blocks. This will not be checked, but this is an important guideline for yourself.

  • Presence is required at all lessons

  • Participation in at least two out of three of the OV-MP weekends, which can be found in the agenda. In total it is expected you will need to participate in 2-3 weekends before being able to take the exam.

  • Willingness to invest in climbing material.. 

  • Covering mountaineering insurance  and “klimjaarkaart” (for access to climbing area’s). The most logical option  is the  NKBV membership (44 euro), NKBV travel insurance (36 euro) en “klimjaarkaart” (20 euro). In total the cost of this will also be circa 100 euro.

Course dates: 22 feb, 29 feb, 7 mar, 14 mar Weekend dates: 16-17 march, 23-24 march, 20-21 april

Time: 19.30 - 22.30 (this means you are ready with your gear at 19.30)

The outdoor lead climbing Multi Pitch course will cost 50 euro. .

During the course you need to have the following materials:

  • Harness

  • Safebiner

  • Belaying device  (reverso or atc guide)

  • climbing shoes

  • 4 Screwgate carabiners  (of which 1 HMS)

  • 1 (preferably 2) sewn slings of  120 centimeters

  • “Zelfzekering” (to attach yourself to the anchor) (For instance a  sewn sling of 90 centimeters)

  • Prusik Rope (5 or 6 mm, at the least 1x 1m, 1x 3m, 1x 5m, different colors are useful for distinguishing different lengths)

  • Quickdraws

  • Helmet

It is also possible to borrow material from the ESAC (except for prusik rope). If you would like to make use of this, please mention this at remarks in the form.