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In addition to climbing activities, There are other activities organised within the association. This is of course not only done by the board but also by many committees. These consist of active and enthusiastic members.

Briefly summarized, you can draw the following conclusion: Committee work is fascinating work. That is why participation in a committee can be a nice addition to your study and it doesn't even have to take a lot of time. Certainly for the new members, this is the way to get to know the ESAC inside out.

Enthusiastic and do you see a role in a committee? Address one of the committee members or email the board and sign up!

Activity committee (AC)

Lift competitions, movie nights and campfire evenings? What else do you want? The Activities Committee organizes various types of activities where climbing is not central. Do you have a nice idea for an activity that you would like to do with your fellow climbers? Then mail the committee via ac@esac.nl.

Chair: Jeppe van Broekhoven
Members: Maaike Hoven, Thijs Egberts, Arjan Rijkens, Katja van den Hooven, Anouk van Dijk, Saskia IJntema, Cornelis Diederik Eding, Jeppe van Broekhoven, Alessandra Capurso
Email: ac@esac.nl

Alpine Committee (Alpcie)

The AlpenCommission organizes the ESAC Base Camp-Idea (EBI) every year: camping for a week in the Alps, where participants can do alpine-related activities according to their own needs. Because there is much more to do in the alps than just climbing, which you don't get so much in here in the Netherlands, the Alpine Commission also provides lectures, presentations and other informative activities throughout the year. 

Chair: Thomas van Kooten
Members: Jacco Pereboom, Tom Janssen, Igor Kersten, Thomas van Kooten, Jarth Vons, Milva Baar, Thomas van Bodegraven, Arjan Rijkens, Tim Hulsen
Email: alpen@esac.nl

Batavierenrace committee

For the ESAC, the batavieren committee takes on the organization of the Batavierenrace. This is a relay race of 175 km between Nijmegen and Enschede. This committee can be reached via e-mail at bata@esac.nl.

Chair: Maaike Hoven
Members: Maaike Hoven, Nick Verhoeven, Jarth Vons, Anouk van Dijk, Katja van den Hooven, Stefan Groeneveld
Email: bata@esac.nl

Board Advisory Committee (BAC)

The BAC advises and supports the board where possible. The committee consists of former board members. This committee can be reached via e-mail at bac@esac.nl.

Members: Femke de Bot, Ralph Roetman, Wouter Bles, Glenn Langermans, Rob Valk, Peter Lathouwers, Leon Cavé, Bjarne Kraak, Sjoerd Groneschild, Alicja Obszyńska, Laurens Nauta, Robin Kwakkernaat, Eva Duyvesteyn, Robin van Velzen, Nynke Kraan, Milva Baar
Email: bac@esac.nl

Boulder wall committee

Walls are climbed and used, but also have to be maintained. In addition, the routes must be constantly renewed. This is the responsibility of the boulder wall committee. There is a lot of room for your own interpretation! Who knows, maybe you will start building and the ESAC will climb your routes! This committee can be reached via e-mail at boulderwand@esac.nl.

Chair: Teun Roetman
Members: Leon Cavé, Emile Ducornez, Dirk van Mierlo, Luc van Burik, Luc Bouwmeester, Paul Kasten, Teun Roetman, Patrick Diederen, Filip Demian, Gabriel Lefort Gamboli, Robin van Velzen, Daniel Conijn, Luuk Pasmans
Email: boulderwand@esac.nl


The partee is responsible for the annual birthday of ESAC in February, the intro party, and the monthly drinks. These people bring the good times to ESAC!

The Partee can be reached via e-mail at partee@esac.nl.

Chair: Maartje Pirée
Members: Anouk van Dijk, Maartje Pirée, Suzan van de Meerakker, Esmee Francis, Luc Maas, Eva van der Vleuten, Katja van den Hooven
Email: partee@esac.nl

De ECO/Sustainability committee

The goal of the ECO/sustainability commission is to make the ESAC more sustainable. As an association, ESAC is significantly dependent on nature. We travel in large numbers several times a year to the Alps, Ardennes and other far-away places for alpinism, climbing, bouldering and skiing. We continue to emit CO2 and pollute the environment in other ways, but this can be reduced. The ECO is responsible for the creation of a sustainability guide. Besides that, the ECO will exist on the background in case our help is needed again for likewise activities, for instance a trash-run. 

Chair: Robin Kwakkernaat
Members: Bartho van den Broeke, Robin Kwakkernaat, Tomás Horst, Yara Linssen, Eva van der Vleuten, Carl de Liederkerke Beaufort, Katja van den Hooven
Email: eco@esac.nl

EPlaKKa committee

EPlaKKa stands for Esac Plastic Klim Championship and is an annual competition in Neoliet, which requires the necessary organization. The EPlaKKa committee usually changes members every year. Being able to build routes is not a requirement but it is a lot of fun. This committee can be reached via e-mail at eplakka@esac.nl.

Chair: Daniel Conijn
Members:  Thijs Egberts, Saskia IJntema, Tim Hulsen, Daniel Conijn, Chris van der Westerlaken, Martin Rydlo, Thomas van Bodegraven
Email: eplakka@esac.nl

External Relations committee

The External Relations committee maintains and starts contacts with external partners. They are also responsible for the contact between committees and external parties. This contact is vital for the functioning of the association. They look for potential sponsors and great offers for members.

Chair: Martin Rydlo
Members: Martin Rydlo, Yara Linssen, Thijs Egberts, Bartho van den Broeke, Eva Schreiber, Hidde Litjens, Laurens Nauta
Email: eb@esac.nl

Facilities Committee

The Facilities committee is responsible for the improvement of the ESAC climbing and bouldering facilities. The committee was instituted, due to the need for better and larger facilities for the association and the upcoming renovations of the SSCE. Being part of this committee means getting into contact with the SSCE and Neoliet if necessary and discussing/brainstorming about facilities and the future of the association. We are still looking for an experienced ESAC-er to add to the team. If you have anything you would like to see regarding facilities or if you would like to be this new members feel free to email us at facilities@esac.nl. 

Chair: Johannes Fieber
Members: Leon Cavé, Thomas van Bodegraven, Johannes Fieber, Paul Kasten, Jarth Vons
Email: facilities@esac.nl

Internet Committee (IC)

The internet committee manages the ESAC website. Here and there new functionalities are being added so that the association can keep up. Interested in web development? Or have you found a bug in the website? Send an email to ic@esac.nl.

Chair: Indie Peeters
Members: Indie Peeters, Wouter Bles, Marijn van der Horst, Wouter Ligtenberg, Leon Cyliax, Alicja Obszyńska, Thijs Egberts, Nick Verhoeven
Email: ic@esac.nl

Intro committee

Welcoming new students and attracting as many new members as possible is of course a very important activity for ESAC. During the introduction week of the TU / e, the introduction committee, with the support of a number of volunteers, is actively working to introduce new members to mountaineering. Two introductory periods are offered during the year to allow members to get to know the association as well as possible. This committee can be reached via e-mail at intro@esac.nl.

Chair: Maaike Hoven
Members: Elise Wolf, Saskia IJntema, Maaike Hoven, Thijs Egberts, Yara Linssen, Martin Rydlo, Hannah Thiele, Pepijn Korevaar, Veronique Bosch

Email: intro@esac.nl

Cash Check Committee (KCC)

The Cash Check Committee checks on behalf of the association whether the accounts that the treasurer, the material commissioner and the climbing commissioner have kept, are correct. She reports on this at the GMM. This committee can be reached via e-mail at kcc@esac.nl.

Members: Thijs Niestadt, Abe Willems, Emile Ducornez, Sjoerd Groneschild, Thomas van Bodegraven, Robin van Velzen, Nick Verhoeven
Email: kcc@esac.nl


The Christmas climbing week committee organizes a week during the Christmas holiday in which there is a lot of climbing. In this week we leave for the far south to do the most beautiful routes and catch the sun. Of course, on New Year's Eve, the oliebollen and champagne are not missing. This committee can be reached via: kerstklimweek@esac.nl.

Chair: Eva Duyvesteyn
Members:  Sjoerd Groneschild, Bart Hodes, Eva Duyvesteyn, Arjan Rijkens, Johannes Fieber, Willem Groot Dengerink, Daniel Conijn
Email: kerstklimweek@esac.nl


The Mercie designs merch for the ESAC and committees within the association. Of course, these designs are printed on sustainable products.

Chair: Rosanna Meijer
Members: Teun Roetman, Eline Karczewski, Hugo Huibers, Liz Buur, Jarth Vons, Diederik Eding, Leonoor Morssink
Email: mercie@esac.nl

Education committee (OC)

The Training Committee supervises the training of after-climber to pre-climber. In addition, you can start an EHB (B) O course or a framework training for sports climbing instructor, sports climbing coach (SKI / SKB). View the range of courses here. You can always go to the OC with questions about techniques and safety. This committee can be reached via e-mail at oc@esac.nl ,.

Chair: Emile Ducornez
Members: Eva Duyvesteyn, Jacco Pereboom, Johannes Fieber, Paul Flintrop, Britt van Rooij, Marijke de Kroes, Rob Valk, Mark Verkampen, Bart van Willigen, Robby van Sonsbeek, Glenn Langermans, Leon Cavé, Jerin Emmen, Robin Kwant, Martin Rydlo, Liz Buur
Email: oc-advies@esac.nl

Open Close South committee (OSZ)

The OSZ committee takes care of the Open and Close of the climbing hall in Zuid on Mondays. Examples of this are that you are the DJ of the evening! if you think: the music on Monday during my climbing moment is really not cool. Then send an email to osz@esac.nl.

Chair: Alicja Obszyńska
Members: Timothy Gijbels, Alicja Obszyńska, Willem Groot Dengerink, Laurens Nauta, Elena Pronk, Milva Baar, Pepijn Korevaar, Charlotte van Dongen

Email: osz@esac.nl

Editorial commitee

The Editorial Committee deals with the social media channels  and writes the Musketon, the ESAC magazine. Regularly pictures are posted on Instagram about what the ESAC is currently doing, occasionally there is a nice video on youtube and blogs are regularly posted on the website. In addition to the social media channels, the editors are also concerned with the content on the website. Do you have nice ideas about social media or do you find a page on the website not quite right? Send an email to redactie@esac.nl.

Chair: Pepijn Korevaar
Members: Miroslaw Faes, Jarth Vons, Michelle Moonen, Elena Pronk, Pepijn Korevaar, Jasmijn de Vries, Jarth Vons, Liz Buur, Charlotte van Dongen 

Email: redactie@esac.nl

Stunt committee

The ESAC Stunt Team was established to offer a fun activity at events such as the opening a company or building, at parties and the like. In the past there have been stunts such as abseiling during a business opening and measuring the outside of buildings. Do you feel excited to organize something like this? Send an email to stunt@esac.nl

Chair: Thijs Egberts
Members: Bartho van den Broeke, Jerin Emmen, Peter Lathouwers, Sim Bouwmans, Wouter Ligtenberg, Robby van Sonsbeek, Thomas van Bodegraven, Thijs Egberts, Tijmen Tubbing, Nick Verhoeven
Email: stunt@esac.nl

Walking committee (WACO)

The walking committee organizes hikes and hiking weekends in the Netherlands and abroad. The walks vary from day trips to multi-day trips. On multi-day trips we spend the night at campsites or in nature. Activities from the WACO can be found in the agenda. This committee can be reached via e-mail at waco@esac.nl.

Chair: Alicja Obszyńska
Members: Alicja Obszyńska, Stephanie van Marion, Robin van Velzen, Elena Pronk, Tom Willenborg, Luc van Burik, Leander van Eekelen, Stefan Groeneveld, Maaike Hoven

Email: waco@esac.nl

Winter EBI committee (WEBI)

The WEBI Committee organizes the Winter ESAC Base Camp Idea. The Winter EBI is the winter variant of the perhaps more famous (summer) EBI. During the WEBI there is the possibility to practice winter mountaineering for a week. This includes piste and tour skiing, ice climbing and more. By exchanging experiences and undertaking trips together, people can learn a lot from each other and gain a lot of their own experience. This committee can be reached at webi@esac.nl

Chair: Kasper Smeets
Members: Anne Jonker,  Wouter Bles, Cedric Huyghe, Paul van der Horst, Luc Maas, Nick Verhoeven
Email: webi@esac.nl

- Add or change information to a commission description, or other ideas and ideas for a committee? Mail the Editorial Committee or contact the board.