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Card image cap 22 Jul

WACO walk

Tropical weather, watermelon, and people with a summer spirit makes a great combination for a summer walk! The 10th of June, the WACO organized a walk to the Eckart Wandelpark. The theme was a summer, so with a stunning 27 degrees Celsius the theme was definitely appropriate!

Around 19.30 everybody gathered at the bridge at the Dommel opposite from Hubble and it was Leander from the WACO who welcomed us and explained what route we were going to walk. Ready for the walk, we took off with everyone. Johannes had taken a watermelon to everyone’s delight, so even before leaving TU terrain, most people were enjoying a piece. Furthermore people took some drinks for on the way as well.

We quickly encountered the Karpendonkse Plas, and walked around it, on the way to the forest. Then in the forest, there was a path we could follow, with some obstacles like trees and puddles on the way. People with white shoes quickly found it was not the best choice. Then after walking through the forest for a while, there was a surprise attack of mosquitos. The friendly mosquitos did not leave our side until we were almost back.

Then when we came back to the Karpendonkse Plas, we made a stop to drink something. The WACO also supplied us with a chocolate, to brace ourselves for the last hefty kilometer. Finally we returned to the place we took off and thanked the WACO for their formidable organization. I really liked the walk, and I can recommend joining the next one to everybody!