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11 Feb

The ESAC beer tasting evening

For us, the beer tasting started long before the night itself. Laurens and I met up early to deliver the godless amount of beer to all of your places. Driving for hours on end, without any plan whatsoever and taking 3 times longer than we should have. On the plus side, we got to see all your happy faces and have a quick chat, which was combined with the fun evening totally worth it.

On the evening itself, everyone slowly moved towards discord for the lovely presentation by yours truly. As expected, we started a solid 15 minutes late and with the necessary mic trouble which we all know too well. As the general information passed and the first beer was introduced by Robin, we all got to taste that lovely gold elixir. All of us frightened, knowing this beer would be the lightest alcohol percentage of the night and it already was bloody strong…

The evening progressed with all the chit chat required to finish a drink, and as the first messages started coming in about when we would finally move it along, we did. Moving on with the second presentation, by our lovely Elise, we were introduced to, you guessed it, the second beer. This being fuller of flavor and also of alcohol, we all enjoyed a bit too much.

We moved on to the next drinking break, containing the all famous fridge tour. This time by our lovely Alicja, who had the pleasure of having to chug a glass of tofu-water. Yes, you read that right. We had a few minutes after to finish our drinks, but since Alicja really needed one after her specialty drink we quickly moved on to beer number 3.

Presented to everyone present by Laurens, we moved into the first beer with double digits. The opinions differed, but Johannes’s beer glass was done printing so all was good. Everyone enjoyed some good ‘ol chatting as we slowly moved on to beer number 4.

Beer number 4, the Wohan, was strong enough that you don’t want it after 3 strong beers. It was pretty damn delicious though. After presenting it, and of course drinking it, most stayed for a chat as the evening slowly ended. It was a pretty nice evening, I’m definetly up for another. Lighter beer though.