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The Corona Cup

With all climbing and social activities coming to a halt in March the AC came up with some sub optimal ways to spend time. Obviously, I immediately wanted to be part of this ridiculous home competition. The goal was simple: complete challenges and get points. I decided to start quickly and chug a beer down while hanging in the classic very useful bat hang position. It was at this moment that I realized that swallowing while hanging upside down was a lot harder than expected.

Just as I had taken the lead a new challenger appeared out of nowhere. Jasmijn, a fairly new ESAC member had taken out her camera, installed TikTok, seduced one of my companions (Timothy) and was ready to take the score lead. By creating songs, eating messed up PeanutButter jelly sandwiches and lifting bunnies the score gap between the two of us became smaller and smaller. A wild Famke and Michelle also appeared and while they looked harmless at the start the opposite would turn out to be true. After some sensual handwashing by ASMR Famke and hardcore somersaulting by Michelle they’d put them self on the scoreboard too. At this point I needed to go even crazier to keep my lead and decided to cut of 12 cm of hair. I even went for a run to stay ahead in the race.

The final day was approaching and Jasmijn had overtaken me the day before by doing 10 TikTok Dances and much much more. However, I still had a solid second place and didn’t worry at all about the other competitors who were more then 20 points behind. After a lovely dinner with my flatmates and some chilling afterwards I decide to check my 400 missed messages and discovered that the world had gone crazy without me even noticing. Jasmijn, Famke, Timothy and Michelle had all surpassed the magical 100-point barrier by bribing the AC with whiskey and toilet paper.

After all dust had settled Jasmijn was the clear victor with a whopping 123 points and became the proud owner of the 2020 Corona Cup and the fancy new ESAC socks. Michelle received some lovely Spanish beers and Timothy hit the jackpot with the limited edition ESAC toilet paper.

After reading all of this you might still have lots of questions that I will not be able to answer here. However, there is a lovely compilation video created by the one and only Jasmijn that will answer all your questions.