Because of the Coronavirus, all activities up until the 1st of June are canceled. This includes trainings, courses, and other fun activities.
SSC and Neoliet:
Due to the stricter guidelines of the RIVM (national health institute) and the closure of all education at Universities and Hogescholen up to and including 1st of June, the SSC will also remain closed for all sports (both indoor- as outdoor facilities) and activities until at least up to and including 1st of June. Based on the guidelines of the RIVM and TU/e we will decide the latest on the 1st of June whether the SSC can resume their sports program on the 2nd of June or not. This also means that any activities taking place under the colors of the SSC or a student sports association are canceled, such as the trainings in Neoliet South (Monday) and Neoliet North (Tuesday and Thursday) and the SSC.
Courses and fun activities:
All the courses and other activities that have been planned in March are canceled. This includes:
Climbing in Belgium:
It is now prohibited to go climbing in Belgium. As a group, but also individual is prohibited by the NSAC and NKBV! Furthermore, we as a board have to strongly discourage you to go climbing anywhere with a group.
As a board, we are looking into ways of rescheduling these activities. As of now, we cannot predict anything about this process since we are still unsure about when we can start again with our activities. We will make sure to let our members know about rescheduled activities as soon as we have new information.
With all the rapidly changing policies it is difficult to keep up with this. We will try to keep this page up-to-date with new information.
Thank you for your understanding.
For more news on the Coronavirus regulations on TU/e and the SSC check: