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TSAC dies

From 01 Dec 21:00 to 01 Dec 23:59

General information

Once upon a time ...

Was the famous pharaoh Tutankhamen trapped in a pyramid full of traps after searching for his Tinderdate Cleopatra. Even with climbing and scrambling, he did not get past the traps. Exhausted and given up hope, he took one more attempt. At the end of the dark tunnel, he saw a luminous glitter magical drink. After drinking this golden yellow divine drink, he could overpower the traps where his Cleopatra was waiting for him. Here they celebrate as if Ra does not exist ....

Come all to the dies of the TSAC: party as if there is no tomorrow. The dies will take place in the Piramide de Pakkerij; where an abundance of the golden divine drink will be given. Before the dies you can show your best escape skills during the Cube Team Open. The competition for climbing teams. The craziest match of the year. More info about Cube Team Open: https://cubebouldergym.nl/.../273-cube-team-open-2018-zaterda...

Via the Google Forms below you can sign up for the dies and / or Cube Team Open.


The teams for this will be announced further. The costs for the Cube Open Team will be € 5 per person. The entrance fee for the dies is € 5- ,. The deadline for signing up is November 24.

Until December 1!